Nobody knows what life will be like after marriage. Robby and I were together for 6 years before tying the knot and I really didn't think it would be all that different after the wedding. There was the money factor, were we going to marry our accounts? Or should we just split things 50/50? At first we remained separate in our financial affairs, it became quite clear early on that it would be so much simpler if we had joint accounts. It was a big step for two people so comfortable with taking care of themselves in their young adult years. At least it felt like a big step at the time. Little did we know how big of a step we were taking when we got pregnant. Miles has been my biggest step in life by far.

But back to wedded bliss. Things did change after we said our vows. It is hard to explain, so bare with me. The way I looked at Robby changed. He was no longer just my best friend, but my caretaker. The option to leave when a fight broke out was no longer there. Yes, we fight. Our fights before marriage were usually heated and passionate. Most of the time I forgot what started the quarrel in the first place. Damned if I was going to accept defeat or apologize for that thing I was screaming about even though I didn't remember what that thing was. Over these past few years we have evolved to arguing. I am still a bit stubborn and could be a better at listener, however, gone are the days of crying and kicking for no good reason. A: We compromise better when our voices are low and respectful B: I don't have the energy to fly off the handle. 

Robby is a patient man. Really patient, he married me!  He is dedicated to his family. He is committed to providing for us. Robby makes me laugh, even when I am so not in the mood to laugh. He is crazy talented and writes beautiful music.
Yup, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my husband. 3 years down, 103 to go;)


  1. I loved your post Sarah! Please keep writing so I can keep reading. I'm so glad that I got to witness this amazing day between you and Rob and that I now know your amazing, adorable, precious son, which is a product of your love. Keep loving each other ( I know it's hard!)


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