Let them come

I haven’t been attending church as often as I would like these days. Miles is either on a nap schedule that won’t allow it or Robby has to work, leaving me with no mode of transportation. Most of the time I am just plan lazy. Miles was baptized Episcopalian and Rob and I agree we want to raise him in the Episcopal faith. The church we were attending back in Queens was wonderful. A small parish with a Priest who was energetic and happy to have a young couple as part of his flock. We haven’t found a place in Buffalo we really love yet but I’ve gone to a couple services around town, looking for the right fit. Today we ended up at St.Michael's downtown (a Catholic church) because it worked timing wise after dropping Robby off at work.

About 45 seconds into the service Miles discovered the acoustics and proceeded to yell and sing as loud as he could. This banished us to the entryway of the church where glass doors keep sound out. I was happy to hear the speakers in the entryway so I might be able to listen to a little bit of the readings and sermon. I honestly don’t remember a thing. The Priest sounded earnest and like he must have been imparting solid wisdom on the congregation during the sermon, but I was busy keeping Miles from smacking his head on the marble floor.

We spent the whole of the service singing “Jesus loves me” in front of a beautiful, carved statue and watching the rain hit the stained glass windows. When it came time to say the “Our Father” I whispered it into Miles ear, like I do every night, and he was quiet during our prayer. Directly afterwards he kept on with the squealing and singing.

There are a good number of homeless people in the Buffalo area. Most of them spend their days and nights downtown. I watched a man knock on the window of a parked car and motion to the driver he was in need of something. She did not unroll her window and shooed him away. After seeing this I picked up my purse, which I had set across the vestibule on an old, metal heater, and made sure I was close to a door in the event he decided to come in. He came in.

I don’t know what stopped me from going into the main part of the church. Maybe I felt like that would look too obvious and could hurt his feelings. Maybe I was a little nervous and my feet weren’t registering what my brain was telling me to do. He approached us. I immediately wanted to cover my mouth and nose. He didn’t smell like roses, let’s just say that. The man explained he needed money to get back home to Niagara Falls and was hoping I could spare a dollar. I wasn’t carrying any cash so I could not help him out. He then looked to Miles in my arms and smiled. Miles smiled back and reached out for the man’s hand. In my head I was thinking “ugh please don’t touch my kid” but in my heart I saw my innocent child reaching out for the hand of a man that smelled of booze, dirt, and body odor. How could I pull his precious little hand away from this man? Miles only saw his big grin and fun looking baseball cap. It didn’t matter to Miles this guy had less teeth than he did. It didn’t matter he was filthy and wet from the rain. It only mattered that he was smiling and holding Miles fingers tight. After allowing them their moment I decided to go back into the service to get a breath of fresh air. The man followed close behind.

Inside a couple people were accosted by him before a man and his wife escorted him out. He did not look happy about this. I may have done the same thing, but all I could think was,"why is this man not welcome?! Are we not in Gods house?”
Romans 15:7 Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.

In this world and seeing what I have seen, I can understand why he was asked to leave. I am not proud of it though.

I AM proud that my beautiful baby boy saw something loving and fun in that man. Miles can do whatever he wants with his life. He can choose to be a doctor, janitor, teacher, or zoo keeper. I don’t care what he does. As long as he is a man of integrity and faith. A man who will always reach out toward the needy. A man who will smile and bring joy to others. A man who sees the good in all of God’s children.

Finally Home by Don Wyrtzen
When engulfed by the terror of tempestuous seas, unknown waves around you roll;
At the end of doubt and terror is eternity, though fear and conflict seize your soul.
But just think of stepping on shore and finding it Heaven, of touching a hand and finding it God’s
Of breathing new air and finding it celestial
Of waking up in glory and finding it home.
When surrounded by the blackness of the darkest night,
O how lonely death can be;
At the end of this long tunnel is a shining light,
For death is swallowed up in victory!
But just think of stepping on shore and finding it Heaven, of touching a hand and finding it God’s
Of breathing new air and finding it celestial
Of waking up in glory and finding it home.


  1. This was a beautiful reflection. Miles is so blessed to have you as his mom to teach and guide him :)


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