Further West

On a leisurely stroll to Sweetness 7 yesterday I was elated to come across the full circle.  Honestly I was a bit embarrassed at just how excited I became.  Miles doesn't seem to understand when I suddenly stop the stroller, drop the leash, quietly talk to myself, and stare at the ground.  Here it is, in all it's complete glory.  You're welcome- HA!

The walk home brought even more discoveries.  From what I've read there are over 2000 of these markers and they reside on about 250 streets.  The bulk of them are on Buffalo's west side.  We were further west yesterday so it makes perfect sense we found new plates.  

I just love these!  They are such an amazing piece of history.  Thinking I might make a collage to frame and hang in the apartment.  Look at me being all crafty and stuff:)


  1. I love those markers. Do you remember going out and doing chalk rubbings of them?


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