The few, the proud, the baristas

Have you ever walked into a coffee shop and thought "why am I getting such tude from these people"? 
When did working at the nearby, organic, homeopathic, locally grown coffee joint become a status thing? I can only assume it is a requirement to have countless tattoos, piercings, filthy hair/pink or another dumb color, and a constant expression of utter disgust at all times. Do NOT get me wrong, I have worked as a server before and have many friends and family in the service industry. My husband runs a freaking restaurant! So I am in no way belittling the amount of work these coffee makers end up doing in a shift.  I am fully aware it isn't just a cup of coffee anymore. My brain would explode if order after order was something like this:

Guest- sounds like Cher from Clueless: Oh, uuuuumm I think I'll just have a skim, vanilla, latte. No wait, make that a skim, caramel cappuccino. Ugh no, I'm not in the mood for that. Make me a skim, extra shot, mocha, latte, no foam.
Barista: Okay, what size would like?
Guest: Venti, no wait!  Medium but in a venti cup
Barista: So that's a medium skim, extra shot, mocha, latte, no foam served in a venti cup.
Guest: Oh did I say one extra shot, I meant two, and I changed my mind I want the foam. Thaaaaaaankssss

However, it still irks me when my barista or any service industry professional doesn't look me in the eye, return the "hello" or smile, and say "goodbye" or "have a nice day" yadayadayada. 

What can I say, this chick is getting old and kids these I right?!


  1. You sound a little like Grandpa Sheehan :) (and, I agree!)


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