Page Turner

"No matter what his rank or position may be, the lover of books is the richest and the happiest of the children of men." - J.A. Langford

It is difficult to answer someone when they ask “Who's your favorite band?” Even worse “What’s your favorite book?” I refuse to choose a favorite musician or favorite author. I feel as though I would be doing myself a disservice.

Here are just a few I cherish and tend to reread. 

Winter’s Tale by Mark Helprin - Do not see the movie. I have not, but it cannot be better than this read. If you have lived in or visited the great city of New York, or have ever been annoyingly, everlastingly in love, Helprin does not disappoint. 

The Screwtape Letters/Mere Christianity/Surprised by Joy by  C.S.Lewis- Lewis is one of my favorite authors. Not only because he is absolutely brilliant with words, but because he appeals to all walks of faith. While reading his works you lose yourself in the poetry and forget you’re in the middle of a life lesson. 

Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife by Linda Berdoll   – If you’re a Jane Austin fan, indulge in this book. Who doesn’t want to know about Lizzy and Mr.Darcy’s sex life?  Don't even try to pretend you never thought about it;)

Anything by Ken FollettYes, I know he is very famous and everyone on the train has a Follett book.  There’s a reason for it, he rocks. 

A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor My mom urged me to read O’Connor. I was never a huge fan of short stories.  I felt gypped or something to that effect. Not with O’Conner. She beautifully breaks down the hideousness of mankind and packs into 50 pages or less. 

Shantaram by Gregory David RobertsTrust me, just read it. 

What are some books you enjoy?  I would love to expand my library.  Please do not hesitate to share music and/or bands as well, always looking for new beats. 


  1. Of this list, I've only read Screwtape Letters. My problem these days is I always borrow from the library awesome looking book recommended by fabulous people but I truly don't have time to read them :( Sadness. I'm tagging you/this post on facebook for a book discussion thing :)

  2. Thanks for adding yours mom! I'm happy to know Winters Tale is up there for you too:)

  3. Theresa, I hear you! Trying to read Paralandra has been a stuggle;)


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