
Showing posts from 2017

Screen time

Chef Miles in the new place About a month ago, right around the time we moved into our new home, Rob and I decided to make a big change. We were going to try to be screen free. Miles was spending about 4-6 hours a day in front of either the TV, my phone, or the IPAD. I work from home and when we were living in a small,upper level apartment it was difficult to keep him occupied while I worked. Excuses excuses:) There were times he would happily play with his toys while the TV was in the background but it was clear the screens were making him different somehow. He still had a great imagination and love of music but he was kind of a jerk. His crankiness levels were sky high and when we would try to take the screen away he would throw a tantrum. Even his energy levels were effected. You could just tell he was wound up and exhausted all at once.  I spoke with my mom, older sister, and some friends before reading up on the effects of too much screen time. Some of the articles we